Chapter 20: Stray Dog 4am

Stray Dog Wet.

Stray dog cold. 

Yellow cab runs red light, newspaper truck slams on the brakes, papers get all mixed up. 

Stray dog drinks from a puddle. 

Stray dog pees on a lamppost. 

Drunk tries to kick Stray dog, misses, falls down some steps. 

Stray dog chases a rat, sniffs a wrapper in the gutter, lays down in darken doorway. 

Stray dog falls asleep… 

…listening as he does every night… 

…to piano music playing behind the closed door..

“Anyone need a shot,” yells Isabella “speak up I’m about to lock up the good stuff.” 

Stray dog lifts his head, tilts to the left so he can hear with his good right ear. 

Big Man pushes his plate across the table, “So where are you guys staying tonight.” 

Both, at the same time say, “With you.” 

“Fine, but figure out who gets the couch, who gets the floor.” 

Big Man gets up from the piano, walks into the kitchen, grabs a large slice of Roast Beef. 

Stray dog starts to stand. 

Bar door opens. 

Stray dog sees six legs and backs up. 


“Hey boy, hey boy it’s ok, we all dogs here,” Big Man says as he bends down with Roast Beef in his hand 

Stray dog licks his hand, sits. 

Big Man pets stray dog, gives him the meat, stands up. 

“So, I’m just around the corner, when we get there I want to show you something.” 

“Uh huh,” said one of the two.

“Wait, what, no shit, don’t be fucking with us…” 

“Holy Mother of Gawd…” 

“NO fucking way…” 

Big Man is smiling. 

Thumpster and Stick both are standing with their mouths open. 

One of them says, “You won a scratch off for how much…” 

“A million and a half dollars, give or take, already been deposited into my account.” 


Then, “You’re not shitting us, please say you are not,” possibly Stick. 


“Damn man, what are you going to do with it,” Thumpster says while looking around at the semi-shabby 3-room flat. 

Big Man smiles. 

Big Man takes off his shoes and hat. 

Big Man walks over to Thumpster and Stick, puts a hand on each of their shoulders, clears his throat and, “What am I going to do with the money, I’ll tell you, that’s why you are here, we, not just me but, WE are going to get the band together and…” 

Thumpster and Stick just look at each other… 

New Chapters Coming Soon