Chapter 18: New York New York

“Last set is about to begin.”

Stick sips his drink, turns… 

“Fuck you Thumpster, or whatever your real name is, go fuck yourself.” 

Stick feels a tap on his arm, turns toward Thumpster, sees his hand sticking out… 

“Hello sir, my name, my REAL name is Charles, some people call me Thumpster but you can call me Charles, Charley, Chuck, use whatever the fuck name you want, nice meeting you.” 

Stick just sips. 

Thumpster’s hand is still waiting for the shake. 

Stick picks up his glass, swirls the ice and booze around, downs the entire drink, twists the top of the bar stool and gets off, starts walking… 

…Thumpster is now officially left hanging… 

…Stick stops, stands still for a moment, slowly turns… 

…Thumpster stands… 

…Stick approaches Thumpster, holds out his hand to shake… 

…Thumpster smiles and shakes Stick’s hand… 

…slowly Stick says, “I’m Kevin, Kevin Sullivan,” then turns and walks away…

…Thumpster still standing says, “Hey where you going Kevin, you want a drink, on me,” 

Kevin Sullivan stops, smiles, turns, “Thanks but can’t have a drink right now…” 

Thumpster just looks at him. 

“…not right now…I have to go sing.”

“Mic’s on.”

Big Man sitting at the piano was watching. 

Big Man knew Thumpster would come through. 

“Got you a drink over by your mic.” 

Stick is just standing by the side of the piano, not moving. 

“Here sit on the stool, take your time, set runs 30-minutes, or so.” 

Stick sits on the stool looking at what’s left of the crowd.

“They don’t bite you know.” Mostly thinks the Big Man.

“What time is it.” 

“Three-fifteen in the AM.” 

“When is last call.” 


Big Man starts playing. 

Stick still sitting. 

One song. 

Second Song. 

Third, fourth, fifth song. 

Stick is still sitting. 

Drunk man sleeping at dirty round table lifts his head up and yells, “Last song piano man, last song.” 

Big Man looks at Stick.

Stick stares straight ahead.

Big Man finishes his drink, looks at Stick just sitting there. 

Big Man pulls bench close to the piano. 

Big Man’s right hand moves out. 

Big Man starts hitting  D D C-sharp D B keys 

Big Man leans into the microphone. 


Stick stands up. 

Swallows, licks his lips then… 

“…Start spreading the news…” 

Stick is singing New York, New York the Last Call song. 

A tear is running down his cheek. 

It is the first time Stick has sung in 50 years.

The Big Man knows. 

The Big Man also has a tear on his cheek. 

The Big Man plays. 

Stick sings. 

It is normally the last song of the night but as it nears the end the Big Man keeps playing. 

And singing

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…”

Those left in the bar are silent…

…they are not sure what is going on but they know it is something. 

And the Big Man keeps singing. 

Stick is sitting on the stool, his shoulders are shaking, tears roll down both cheeks, he is crying uncontrollably. 

The Big Man keeps singing. 

Big Man knows. 

Big Man is crying through his tears. 

Big Man knows. 

Big Man sang it for Stick. 


It is the song Stick sang for Roger. 

When Stick flew Roger’s body back to base. 

In Stick’s helicopter.

“Through many dangers, toils, and snares
We have already come
'Twas grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home.”

Amazing Grace