Chapter 15: Stick
“No…NO…NO…NO…not me…noooo.”
Big Man with bigger smile, says, “I need your help rounding up the band.”
“You ever think you may be drinking to much.”
Big Man never has had that thought, “Your perfect to help me get the band together.”
Stick downs a beer and signals to the waitress for a couple more…just for him.
“Why am I perfect for this hairbrained scheme.”
“Why, because you saved half the band…”
Stick, (real name Kevin Sullivan) born 1951 in State College, Pennsylvania to Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sullivan.
Both Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan worked at Penn State, where they met.
The Sullivans honeymooned at Niagara Falls where Stick got his start.
Stick, like many other young men throughout history, had the misfortune to be born 18 years before the next war…his was Vietnam.
Comes 1969, and his 18th birthday, graduated from high school and facing the possibility of being drafted in the 2nd lottery draft so instead he enlisted.
In high school Stick was a 2 letter athlete: Football and Baseball and was an above average student.
Did well at his Selective Service interview, was offered a chance to go to Rotary Wing Aviation School where upon graduation he would have the rank of Warrant Officer.
A year of helicopter pilot training at Fort Rucker, next stop…
Control of the helicopter is through what is known as the Cyclic which is located between the pilot’s legs.
Cyclic, frankly sounds like some disease you can catch in the jungle.
It is basically a stick.
First time under enemy fire Kevin Sullivan became known as…
And from that moment on, Stick…stuck.
During the Vietnam War 4,800 copter pilots and crew members were killed in action.
The average lifespan of a copter pilot there was 30 days.
Their average age was 22.
It was Stick who came back into the fight to get Roger’s body.
Stick brought Roger back to base.
Stick and Roger were friends.
They sang duets together at the base Officer’s Club.
Stick sang Frank Sinatra songs.
Roger sang Sammy Davis Jr. songs.
Stick has never sang a note since bringing Roger back to base.
Not a note.
“So why am I here, Blue, you said it was important that we talk, what’s up.”
Stick now sitting at the bar, Yankees on TV.
Big Man, stands next to him, orders a shot with a beer chaser.
Big Man smiles.
Big Man thanks the bartender who tells him, “Set 2 in five…”
Big Man downs the shot, reaches for the beer
Big Man leans close to Stick, puts his right hand on Stick’s left shoulder and says, "Why you here, you here because I want you to become the lead singer in the band we about to get back together.”
“Huh, what…”
But the Big Man had already left…
…Set 2 about to begin.
Yankees lose, 3 to 1.