Chapter 16: Thumpster
Twice now Big Man lost his place in the song.
2nd set booze.
His fingers know the notes on their own.
His brain, nope.
Big Man hums when he’s lost the lyrics.
Makes no difference with the crowd, three hours into drinking they can’t remember the lyrics either.
Big Man turns every time the door opens.
Door open, he turns, he hums, fingers play on without him.
People still put money in his jar.
Sober folks stuff a buck or two in.
Drunk folks leave a Sawbuck or a Jackson.
He could hum a whole set, still rack in some tips.
Third set is the money set.
Third set is the request set.
Sing their song, take their cash.
Easy money.
Bar door opens.
Big Man turns, smiles, nods toward the bar.
Black man wearing a Buffalo Bills cap, nods, moves toward the end of the bar.
Big Man watching, starts humming.
Black man slowly walking by first man on a bar stool, looks to the piano player.
Big Man just looks back and hums.
Next bar stool.
Same Big Man reaction.
Big Man suddenly starts singing the lyrics.
Black man stops.
Big Man gives a very slight yes head nod.
“Is this stool taken.”
Stick turns to his left, looks at the black man, says, “Nope, help yourself, Go Bills.”
Black man smiles and sits.
Big Man looks down at the keys and smiles.
Big Man starts playing, Don’t Stop Believing..
Black man at the bar orders chicken wings, and smiles, “Love this song,” he says to the man next to him while moving his head to the music.
Stick just nods his head, stares forward.
“Snow is building up out there.”
Stick can see in the mirror behind the bar that it is the black guy next to him talking.
Stick mumbles something in response.
“You live around here.”
Stick starts to say, “Go away,” but instead says, “No.”
“Hope you ain’t driving, city a mess out there.”
Piano music stops, Stick thinks, “Thank God.”
Black man twists on his bar chair, faces Stick, touches his left arm…
…Big Man is now behind the bar standing in front of both guys.
“Can I buy you guys a drink.”
Stick looks at Big Man shakes his head no in disbelief.
“What are you drinking, I owe you one.”
Stick looks shocked, turns to the black man sitting next to him, “what are you talking about, owe who one.”
“Owe you one…Stick.”
Stick looks at Big Man turns back to the black man under the Buffalo Bills hat, “How do you know my name.”
“Bangkok, 1970, R&R, Titty bar, I ran out of bread, you paid, I owe you a few drinks…”
Stick leans back in shock, turns to look at Big Man.
Big Man reaches across the bar and taps Stick’s arm and says, “Stick, say hello to Thumpster."
And with that, Thumpster does a quick drumroll on the bar.
For a moment Stick is stunned, speechless as Thumpster starts to hug him.
“What, wait, what, what the hell are you doing here.”
Thumpster just laughs, then says…
“What am I doing here, dude, we are getting the band back together again, that’s why.”
Big Man Laughs.
Thumpsters laughs.
Stick does not.
Thumpster stands up, turns to the Big Man and says, “Do you mind…”
“Nope knock yerself out.”
Thumpster smiles, puts his Buffalo Bills hat on his bar stool and walks away.
Suddenly from behind the bar Big man yells out:
“Ladies and Gentlemen I want you to meet the best Goddam drum player on the planet…Thumpster.”
And all the people in the bar clap.
Except Stick.